The Department of Technical Services will be able to render their services regarding water andSanitation due to ten vehicles handed to the Technical Services Department by the ExecutiveMayor, Cllr. Freda Nkondo. ” I am handing over this vehicles so that you can be able to render water and Sanitation services toour communities without failure, because shortage of vehicles result in the failure to quicklyrespond to the maintenance of leaking and burst water and sewer infrastructure.”” To the Technical Services Department employees who are given the task of using these vehicles, itis your responsibility to carry out your work diligently, efficiently and in a timely manner. Alsosafeguard these vehicles and ensure that they only carry out the Municipal work.” Said theExecutive Mayor,Cllr. Freda Nkondo. Issued by Vhembe District Municipal Communication services. Matodzi Ralushai 067 862 2819/072 391 9965Municipal Spokesperson and Moses Shibambu 072 117 3726 Deputy Manager, Media LiaisonVHEMBE